Assignment 1. Introduction to R and RStudio
Due by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 29, 2020
To do yourself
Join Slack #bios524 channel, invite to be sent
Download/install R, RStudio
Explore the “Help” menu, “RStudio Docs”, “RStudio Community Forum”, “Cheatsheets -> RStudio IDE Cheat Sheet”, “Browse cheatsheets…”, “Keyboard Shortcut Help”
Subscribe to Cheatsheet updates at RStudio Cheatsheets
Read sections “2 Why R?” and “3 R and RStudio Basics”. Make sure to watch the videos
To submit on blackboard, due 09-29-2020, 5:00pm
- Introduce yourself. Write a few sentences:
- Your Name
- Your Department/Program
- What are your programming skills
- What you hope to learn from this part of the course
- Describe all ways how to find:
- R version
- R installation path
- Copy-paste selected output and describe your observations
- Submit your homework as a text or Word document. Files should be named, e.g.,