Assignment 9: Git/GitHub

Due by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 27, 2020

To do yourself

To submit on blackboard, due 10-27-2020, 5:00pm

  • Install Git, and create a Github account. Update your Github profile to include some relevant information about yourself, such as your program and/or interests. Submit the link to your profile

  • Create a repository out of the R package you created in Homework 6. Add all your files, push to GitHub. Make sure your package can be installed from GitHub (Hint: devtools::install_github()). Submit the link to your repository

  • In command line, go to the hidden .git folder, list all files/folders. Document your observations.

  • What do the words ‘minimal’ (aka `atomic’) and ‘complete’ mean in the context of Git commits?

  • Fork this repository ( to your account, so that you will have references for this course. This is for your information only

Document your responses to these questions appropriately.