Assignment 3: R base graphics, statistical functions
Due by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 6, 2020
To do yourself
Subscribe to R-bloggers mailing list or RSS feed
Watch playlists/videos from Brooke Anderson’s channel, as well as her R Programming for Research course
Install swirl R package
- For statistical functions, install and run “Statistical Inference”, “Regression Models” courses (Installation instructions)
- Explore other swirl courses
read.table, readr, Excel, SAS, SPSS, file/folder structure/paths
Download or clone the RGraphics repository, and run through code in the R_graphics_workshop.R until
part (line 440)
To submit on blackboard, due 10-06-2020, 5:00pm
- Install package “babynames”
- How many values are in the
- What their data types?
- Get an overview of
- Plot the proportion of your name usage vs. year. Choose closest or random name, if your exact spelling is not available
- Load in the ToothGrowth dataset, which comes with R.
- Produce a boxplot of the tooth length variable, with x- and y-axis labels as well as a title.
- Change the graphics parameters to a window of one row and two columns of plots. Then, populate the first one with a scatterplot of dose on the x-axis and length on the y-axis, only using observations with a VC supplement type. Populate the second one with a scatterplot of dose on the x-axis and length on the y-axis, only using observations with an OJ supplement type. Provide informative axis labels. Use filled-in circles as the plotting character in the first plot, and filled-in triangles as the plotting character in the second plot.
- Fit a linear regression model of tooth length on the variables ‘supp’ and ‘dose’. Change the graphics parameters back to just one plot, not several. Plot only the QQ-plot of residuals from this regression model, filled in with blue circles.
- Set a seed to ensure reproducibility. Then, generate n=100 random variables from an Exponential distribution with lambda=5 parameter. Plot the empirical CDF (cumulative distribution function) of this data with informative axes labels. Make a really long title - so long that you must use a special character to get the title to go on two lines.